My Biggest Mistake: Giving Up On My Vision

Hello, I’m Milton Greene, Realtor and Affiliate Broker with Blackwell Realty in Nashville, TN. I have been in the real estate industry for the last 8 years, working with buyers, sellers, developers, and investors. Although, I have had much success, one of my biggest regrets is giving up on an idea that would have made me millions.

In 2014, I developed a virtual showing and open house system because I saw how social media and the internet was impacting the world. I presented it to a few seasoned brokers, and they said that it would never work because people want to physically be in a space before they decide to buy. I was very discouraged by them not “seeing” my vision, so I pretty much gave up on the idea. After that, I was convinced that I needed a change because maybe real estate just wasn’t what I was supposed to do. So…I joined the Army.

Lets fast forward to 2020, Coronavirus. The pandemic shut down the real estate industry initially because no one could show houses out of fear of contracting it. Since then, every real estate agent has converted to virtual real estate systems that actually are helping them to produce more money in their businesses than even before the pandemic. If I would have believed in my vision and the system that I developed, I would have been ahead of the curve and would have positioned myself as one of top agents in my industry.

That truth opened my eyes to the fact that I was born to do real estate. I have always been creative and able to think outside of what other people can “see”. So the lesson of the story: Never give up on your dreams just because other people might not be able to see your vision.


The Reason Why I Work So Hard To Be Successful